A little known fact, is that a decade before teh interwebz, other than being a musician/songwriter, McDawg spent three years as a DJ on a local hospital radio station. With hindsight, my introduction to the voluntary sector.
Our Station Manager at that time, Brian Mathieson, produced some great jingles that us DJ's borrowed and used from time to time. I had to however, create some of my own - and had great fun in doing so.
Jingle Carts have of course evolved since then, and the days of "tape", are but a haughty reminiscence.
My Jingle Carts that were kept as memorabilia but won't now play on any device on this planet.
The content however of two of Brian's carts, I'll never forget.
1) Would You Believe It !!
2) Would You Believe It ??
Starting today, once a week (or month), I'll be posting a WYBI entry to McBlawg. Your job is to guess whether this is scientifically proven fact, or just, utter pish.
ENTRY NUMBER ONE (an easy one - they'll get harder)